FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q.Is AllMyPR just for contacting the press or can I use it to contact my customers?

A.AllMyPR is an excellent system to keep your customers up to date with all kinds of new developments in your business. It's up to you to create contact lists for each of your campaigns, so you can use this system in any way that suits you. A key benefit that AllMyPr has is that it allows you to create multiple campaigns, with multiple target lists.

Q.I created tasks but they have vanished off my home page...

A. Your homepage will only show you upcoming tasks. If you have created tasks in the past that are now overdue they will vanish from your home screen and will now reside in the red-bulb icon on the left of your screen that illustrates 'overdue tasks'. This is done in order to keep your home screen tidy.
Another reason may be that your task relates to next week and you have opted to view 'this week', rather than open the 'current month' option:

Q.My emails are being received under my own personal name rather than my company name..

A. You can change the reciever name by clicking the settings icon on the top right corner of your homepage and then changing the name/last name details to input yAllmypr name in this boxes

Q.How do I make a new contact list?

A.Click the 'add contact' icon on the homepage [1], then click 'add/edit categories' on the right hand side, under 'Categories' [2].
You will then be prompted to create a new category name [3], then begin to input your new contacts into the contact details area on the right hand side [4]
Once you have inputted the details of your contact's name/number etc [5], you will be prompted to insert your contact in his/her relevant category. You will do this by highlighting one of the categories until it is blue [6].

Q.Can I insert a contact into more than one contact list?

A.Absolutely! This is one of the great benefits to AllMyPR. As your 'Total List' grows you will find that creating specific campaigns becomes easier as you can choose targets that may be on other lists but are also relevant to your new campaign. In this case all you need to do is go to their contact details and highlight another category.

Q.How do I add a task to my homepage?

A. There are two ways to add a task to your homepage. You can add directly, by clicking the add task icon on the top screen bar [1] or else your tasks will be added automatically once you create actions in your 'Campaign' section [2]

Q.How do I write a good press release?

A.Click on the help icons in the press release fields to get handy tips on how to create good Headlines, Sub-headlines, and the general body of a press release, and remember - practice makes perfect!

Q.Can I use the press release section to send news letters to my customers or email messages to my clients?

A.Of course you can - the term 'Press Release' is an old term to describe a news release to the printed press but nowadays our news can go directly to the general public. The beauty with AllMyPR is that you can send a similar release to both the press and the public

Q. How can I add photographs to my Press Release?

A.In the toolbar at the top of the 'Body' part of your press release click the photo option [1]. You will then be brought to the URL insertion box, here you click upload [2], then choose file [3]. When file is uploaded press send to server [4].
Finally it will arrive in the main image box and needs to be transported to your press release. For optimum sending capability change width to 500 pixels [5] Then press 'Ok' and your image will be delivered to your Press Release.

Q.Can I add more than one image to my Press Release?

A.Yes, you can add several images and position them by dragging them to wherever you wish in your Press Release. If you are dependent on getting these images into newspapers then it is advisable also to add a section in your press release body offering higher resolution forms of these images via regular email should they need them for print.

Q. Can I copy text from word directly into the Press Release?

A.Yes. Simply click the text icon in the toolbar at the top of the 'Body' part of the Press Release, then copy and past into this text box. This allows you to insert bulk text in a tidy way [1], then [2] box will appear. At this point you can simply copy and paste from your word doc directly into the text box [3].
Then press ok... and it appears in the body of the text [4].

Q. Can I connect my Press Release directly on to Facebook & Twitter?

A. Yes! Another great thing about AllMyPR is that we facilitate direct connect to Facebook & Twitter. When you've come to the point that your Press Release is written and your target media selected, the hit the 'public' icon and choose your publishing date [1].
Next, you'll be brought to the sending page, where you can click the Facebook icon and choose the account you wish to attach the press release to [2]
Note: your 'sub headline' will be used as your twitter message, so feel free to use a # here if you wish.

Q. How do I send a press release to just one email address instead of sending to a group?

A. To send a press release you must select one of the contact groups first, however when you are on the sending page simply type the email address into the email box and send directly to that email.